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隔离墩钢模具设计特征 保定建信建材模具厂

  • 发布日期:2021-12-28 16:01
  • 有效期至:长期有效
  • 机械工业区域:河北保定市
  • 浏览次数14
  • 留言咨询
Baoding Jianxin building materials mould factory specializes in customizing isolation pier steel mould. Several necessary design features of isolation pier die machining center.
Cast iron bed and spindle with heat treatment function. The primary design of any machine tool used to process large parts should have large cast iron bed and spindle with heat treatment function. Cast iron is still a stable material for making bed
As for the spindle, internal technology must be used to cool the heat caused by friction with the bearing, so as to ensure that the spindle bush will not burn out or produce errors due to thermal expansion.
These characteristics are important because the processing time of large molds is longer than that of small molds, and increases the stress and heat on the molds. Without a good machine tool structure, the machine tool will be because of the above two
Factors can not produce high-quality molds. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the vibration of the machine tool and deal with the problem of heat accumulation. Grasping the characteristics and principles of design, our isolation pier mold processing plant will be more smooth in processing and manufacturing.
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